Below are Bobb's 40 Proven Tools presented in alphabetical order.

Vital Signs and Critical Standards - Video, Vital Signs and Critical Standards, Vital Signs, Critical Standards, Keeping your organization "Healthy"?, Helps you keep your entire organization focused and healthy
Boulders Grid - Video, Boulders Grid, Helps you clearly focus your next 90 days' priorities, goals, problems, opportunities
Brainstorming Checklist - Video, Brainstorming Checklist, Helps you and your team imagine what your future could be, Brainstorming, Checklist
Bucket List/I Want Chart - Video, Focusing your future, Keeping it in focus!, Bucket List, I want chat, Focus, Helps you define what you really want in life regardless of what others want or don't want
Dating Questions, Should We Get Engaged? Should We Get Married?, Questions to Ask Before Getting Married, Avoiding Divorce, Perfect gift: Couples beginning to date seriously, Marrying the right person, Marriage, Painful divorce, Divorce
Defining Your Single Greatest Strength - Video, Strength, Defining your Single Greatest Strength, Helps you define your greatest strength and maximize your entire life
Firing Star - Video, Firing Star, Firing, Firing a team member -- in a "Christian Way!", release a staff person, released from responsibility
Focusing Your Life Digital Download (2004), Focusing your Life, Keeping your life in crystal clear focus
Fog Cutting Arrow - Video, Fog Cutting Arrow, Fog Cutting, Helps you focus your thinking on any subject - far faster!, Fog-Cutting Arrow, Fog-Cutting
Heaven, Perfect gift: Hospice care or grieving, My Dream of What Heaven Might Be Like, Comforting, Grieving Process, Death, Dying
Leadership Academy DVD Series, Leadership tools, Leadership processes, Leadership principles, Leader, Leader ship, Leading
Leading with confidence, How to cope with, change, depression, failure, fatigue, Confidence, Confident, Attractive, Balanced, Creative, Disciplined, Motivated, Masterplanning, Motivating
Life Focus Sheet - Video, Life Focus Sheet, Life Focus, Keeping the "big picture" of your life in focus in the middle of life's chaos, Staying Focused
Memories Loose Leaf Work Book, Memories, Loose, Leaf Work, Perfect gift for Parents or Grandparents, Eternal Rewards
$143 (1)

MENTORING toolkit Featured Tool from Bobb's Leadership Development Series

Are you reaching your Full Potential? Learn how the “MENTORING Toolkit” can guide you in unlocking your God-given potential!
  • Mentoring can change your life's direction, offering clarity and new perspectives.
  • Mentoring helps unlock your innate potential and that of others seeking your guidance.
  • Mentoring is valuable in personal growth and professional settings, such as leading teams or building

The “MENTORING Toolkit” includes years of expertise, simplified into an easily understandable format. It's your chance to invest in personal growth without breaking your bank.

Discover your full potential. Invest in yourself by investing in the “MENTORING Toolkit” today!

On My Own, Perfect gift: Graduation, principles, leadership principles, life principles, fundamental, college, Graduation Gift
Opportunity Spotting Questions - Video, Opportunity Spotting, Opportunity, Opportunity - Key to explosive growth!, Helps you spot "high value/low risk" opportunities others completely overlook!, Opportunity-Spotting Questions, Questions
Reporting Questions - Video, Reporting Questions, Helps you know exactly what to ask for (or submit) in a staff report, staff report, staff reporting process, staff reporting
Speaking with Confidence - Video, Speaking with confidence, Helps you relax before you speak - and while you are speaking, speaking, confidence, podium shaking, confidence-building principles, communicate effectively
Speed Modeling - Video, Speed Modeling, Helps you learn at lightning speed-in any field, growing quicky. fuill potential
Speed Planning - Video, Speed Planning, Speed, Planning, When you have 1-3 planning hours - not. 1-3 days, Helps you focus your team's planning steps quickly-in the middle of fexplosive growth!, video, Direction - clear direction, Organization - the right team, Cash - enough money, planning process, strategic plan
Staying UP in DOWN Times - Video, Staying Up in down times, Keeping your team Up, Staying Up tools, Practical perspective
Stop Setting Goals, If you prefer solving problems!, Setting Goals, Setting, Goals, Goal
Strategic Planning Book, Strategic Planning, Planning, Step-by-step, business plan, creating a business plan, business planning, instructions
Strategic Planning Worksheets - 20 (11" X 17") sheets, Strategic Planning Worksheet, Worksheets, Strategic Planning, Planning
Team Profile, Defining The Role You Prefer Playing, Getting "Round pegs in round holes", Team, Profile
Why You Do What You Do Book, Understanding yourself and others, Understanding your Emotions - Logically, 40,000 hours of behind-the-defenses experiences, Healthy People, Emotional Mysteries
You Focus Model - Video, You Focus Model, Focus Model, Focus, Model, Helps you communicate WITH your audience, not AT them, Communnicate, YOU FOCUS, Boost communications